Top Business Group for Human Resources

Hotel & Restaurant Hospitality Etiquette (HHE)

Date Sunday 10-11-2024 Category Others

Course Overview
The word hospitality implies a great experience. The definition of hospitality is “the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers”. So, it’s not just about receiving guests and sending them up to their rooms, or food to eat. It’s not just about taking their money but the concept of “hospitality” is wider, it is about welcoming people and making them feel good. Yes, it is also an industry – which means money has to be made, but the core concept shouldn’t have changed; otherwise, why call it the hospitality industry and not the lodging industry?
In our program, we will know more about the concept and we will unveil some hidden corners that create the excellence of being hostellers and etiquette service professionals.

Course Outline
1) Positive Mindset
1.1 Values and beliefs
1.2 Identifying goals
1.3 Creating action plan
1.4 Managing time
1.5 Self-confidence and emotional stability

2) Positive Professional Image
2.1 Projecting a positive professional image
2.2 Personal grooming
2.3 Positive image in public places

3) Mannerism
3.1 Ethical behavior and conduct
3.2 Social and business etiquette
3.3 Table manners and event etiquette

4) Effective Communication
4.1 Practical guidelines for effective communication
4.2 Interpersonal communication at work
4.3 Ethical communication and servicing

5) Business and Professional Excellence
5.1 Getting to know the diverse guests
5.2 Strengthening teams
5.3 Technology in the workplace
5.4 Service conflicts and treatments
5.5 Triggers to imbalance
5.6 Strategies for life balance

Learning Objectives
1) Explain self-awareness and personal development needs for long term career success in the hospitality industry.
2) Analyze current hospitality issues and challenges according to available resources and predict future consequences.
3) Combine various decision making related to human relations, personal growth, professional image and etiquette.

Who Should Attend
This program is introduced for all hostellers, hoteliers, event services introducers who want to know more about the etiquette of hospitality

Course Duration: Two days from 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Registration Deadline
One week before the course date

Course Venue
Top Business Training Center: 17, Abdel Wahab Selim Elbeshry St. Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Registration & Payment
• Course fees include material (Soft Copy), light lunch, coffee break and certificate.
• Payment by cheque in Top Business’s name, cash to our address or by bank transfer.
• Payment is due within 3 working days from course confirmation. Your registration is confirmed only after course payment
• Payment is nonrefundable, however participant can be substituted or can attend next confirmed round of the same course or another course.

Course Date
Other Dates