Top Business Group for Human Resources

Art of Delegation

Date Sunday 23-06-2024 Category Soft Skills

Course Overview
Many people are ending up doing work that could easily be done by others . . . which would of course free up time to do other things. This is really important for managers. Managers should be planning and working with people. Delegation is not only an effective way to get things done, but delegation is a really effective way of training. People learn by doing. They can learn by hearing . . . and reading . . . and watching, but basically nothing teaches better than a hands-on application. Delegation is the road to teaching, mentoring, and coaching . . . oh, and did we mention delegation usually gets things done faster as well? Delegating and delegation training videos help empower em-ployees and elevate
supervisors and managers to another level.

Course Outline
• Delegation is not just a time saving tool
• Objectives of delegation and empowerment practices
• Common barriers to delegation
• Exploring managers insecurities towards delegation
• Organization risk management and delegation solutions
• Delegation styles and techniques
• What to delegate and when – choosing the tasks and the people
• The delegation model and the application on CASES
• Managing a delegated assignment through an employee
• Delegation and empowerment with difficult employees
• Identifying the different types of difficult employees
• Using empowerment and delegation as a coaching tool and vice versa
• Understanding the make-up and the reasons for performance difficulties
• Developing an action plan

Learning Objectives
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Overcome their fears from delegation
• Re-Evaluate the time allocation practices in work
• Understand the importance of a second line and develop a plan for it
• Carry out delegation and empowerment tasks for the employees
• Better understand and manage “difficult employees”
• Better allocate of work and delegation to their employees

Who Should Attend
• Managers, supervisors and team leaders
• General managers of SME (small to medium enterprises)
• Entrepreneurs.

Course Duration: Two days from 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Registration Deadline
One week before the course date

Course Venue
Top Business Training Center: 17, Abdel Wahab Selim Elbeshry St. Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Registration & Payment.
• Course fees include material (Soft Copy), light lunch, coffee break and certificate.
• Payment by cheque in Top Business’s name, cash to our address or by bank transfer.
• Payment is due within 3 working days from course confirmation. Your registration is confirmed only after course payment
• Payment is nonrefundable, however participant can be substituted or can attend next confirmed round of the same course or another course.

Course Date
Other Dates