Top Business Group for Human Resources

Business Acumen

Date Wednesday 25-09-2024 Category Mgmt./ Leadership

Course Overview
The focus of this workshop is on the development of business acumen in the managerial level.
Business Acumen is defined by many experts as the understanding of how a business executes its strategy to achieve its goals and objectives. It includes a complete and deep understanding of the factors that create a company position and deliver its unique value to its customers and beneficiaries and eventually being able to evaluate its success through profitability and shareholder value.

Course Outline
• Business acumen definition and its importance
• The 5 Essential Elements of Business Acumen
• Business language
• Effective decision making and problem solving techniques
• Understanding Strategy
• Internal and External Environment Analysis
• Business Acumen in Management
• Business model analysis

Learning Objectives
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Identify the competencies needed by management in our contemporary environment
• Understand what is business acumen and why it is important particularly today
• Identify how to develop business acumen and how it impacts business
• Understand what factors influence our business and how it is impacted? Explain how the new trends influence strategic management
• Explore the different business models
• Explore a Business Model Case

Who Should Attend:
- CEOs
- CFOs
- General Managers
- Line Managers
- Supervisors
- Project Managers
- Entrepreneurs

Course Duration: Two days from 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Registration Deadline: one week before the course date

Course Venue
Top Business premises: 17, Abdel Wahab Selim Elbeshry St. Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

For Registration
• Course fees include material (Spft Copy), light lunch, coffee break and certificate.
• Payment by cheque in Top Business’s name, cash to our address or by bank transfer.
• Payment is due within 3 working days from course confirmation. Your registration is confirmed only after course payment
• Payment is nonrefundable, however participant can be substituted or can attend next confirmed round of the same course or another course.

Course Date
Other Dates